Shopping Cart Wizard
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Tax Information

Charge tax? Yes No
Tax rate: (i.e. .0657)
2 letter state code:
Calculate tax on shipping? Yes No

Charge shipping? Yes No

Shipping Setup

1st type of shipping:

Order Total
Shipping Charge
Up to and including:
will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
For orders exceeding the above total;
the maximum:
will be:

2nd type of shipping:

Order Total
Shipping Charge
Up to and including:
will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
For orders exceeding the above total;
the maximum:
will be:

3rd type of shipping:

Order Total
Shipping Charge
Up to and including:
will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
Greater than the above total;
up to and including:

will be:
For orders exceeding the above total;
the maximum:
will be: